How to get rid of Spider Veins!

Did you know you can get rid of leg and facial veins?
Small veins that appear on the face and legs are often referred to as spider veins. They are appropriately named. Just like spiders and spider webs, nobody likes them. At Skinpossible we have a solution to get rid of them. >>
These small vessels and the larger vessels known as reticular veins can be safely and permanently removed with lasers. These veins on the surface of the skin that usually occur on the face and legs do not pose any health risk but they are unsightly. They are not necessary, so getting rid of them is perfectly safe.
What are Spider Veins?
Spider veins, also known as “telangectasias” are capillaries which have been damaged and are now visible at the surface of the skin. These can appear red, blue or purple. Reticular veins, also known as “feeder veins” are the blue to green veins that can become enlarged, twisted and may protrude slightly. These are found in the legs and are especially visible behind the knees. These veins do not typically cause any pain or discomfort and are considered a cosmetic problem rather than a medical one.
What causes these vessels to become damaged?
What causes these vessels to become damaged?
Within healthy veins and capillaries there are valves. The job of the valves is to ensure blood is flowing in one direction only. In damaged veins and capillaries, these valves have become weak and defective which allows blood to flow backward and pool inside the vessel. As this happens, pressure builds. The vessel wall weakens and will eventually expand to compensate for the additional volume. As a result, the vein enlarges, bulges and twists. Depending on the size of the blood vessel and extent of swelling, the result is a spider, reticular, or varicose vein.
How does Laser Vein Therapy work?
During a laser vein removal treatment a concentrated beam of light is directed precisely at the veins. The light penetrates into the vessel, coagulating the blood and subsequently shutting it down. The walls of the vein collapse, blood flow is stopped and over the next two to eight weeks the vein is re-absorbed back into the body via the lymphatic system. When the damaged vessels are closed off and reabsorbed, your body will simply reroute blood flow through other healthy vessels. After your course of treatment the vessels that have been treated will be gone forever. Unfortunately, because some people are prone to developing these broken vessels, new ones may appear down the road. Touch-up treatments may be needed as new vessels appear.
Unfortunately, laser vein therapy is not an option for varicose veins and veins larger than 2 mm in diameter. Varicose veins can be treated with a procedure known as Schlerotherapy which is not offered at Skinpossible. For people with spider veins on the face or legs or reticular veins 2 mm or smaller, treatment with lasers is a safer option.
Benefits of Laser Vein Therapy
- Safer and less expensive than vein injections
- Non-invasive, No needles
- One treatment usually required
- Quick Recovery
- Safe and Effective
Laser Vein Therapy Results

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