Answers to your Top 6 CoolSculpting questions
Answers to your Top 6 CoolSculpting Questions
‘Twas the week after Christmas and what should appear
but 10 extra pounds on my waist, hips and rear.
I settled my brain for a long winter fast,
but in a twinkling I thought… I’ll just freeze away the fat!
but 10 extra pounds on my waist, hips and rear.
I settled my brain for a long winter fast,
but in a twinkling I thought… I’ll just freeze away the fat!
Some of us tend to accumulate fat around our midsection, especially as we age. Others are simply genetically predisposed to carry fat disproportionately at any age. Sometimes exercise and healthy eating just isn’t enough to eliminate these stubborn bulges. Getting and staying lean enough may not be doable, sustainable or even healthy. Even when we succeed it may not look good, especially for women. The bulges are gone but now our faces appear gaunt or our curves have disappeared. Lots of people have stubborn pockets of fat that are simply resistant to diet and exercise. Until recently, surgery was the only option. Now there is CoolSculpting!
We’ve had some dark, cold days lately but unless you’ve been in hibernation for the last few years, you must have heard about CoolSculpting. It’s the non-surgical treatment that can freeze away fat. It’s not actually intended for weight loss, but for stubborn localized pockets if fat. You’ve heard about it and you know it works, but you may have some questions.
We’ve had some dark, cold days lately but unless you’ve been in hibernation for the last few years, you must have heard about CoolSculpting. It’s the non-surgical treatment that can freeze away fat. It’s not actually intended for weight loss, but for stubborn localized pockets if fat. You’ve heard about it and you know it works, but you may have some questions.
Answers to your Top 6 Questions:
1) How is it that CoolSculpting can get rid of fat but is not for weight loss?
It’s because fat is not heavy compared to its volume. A single pound of fat is the size of a pound of butter. When you think about reducing fat from a localized area a small weight change makes a big difference. When you look at the before and after examples of CoolSculpting results, the best examples will be those that show little or no weight-change. If the weight has not changed the fat-loss is clearly a result of the treatment, not weight-loss resulting from diet or exercise.
2) If I need to lose weight, does this mean I am not a candidate for CoolSculpting?
Possibly but not probably. When people call to schedule a CoolSculpting consultation the first question we ask is how many pounds they would need to lose to reach their ideal weight. We also ask what area of their figure or physique they are interested in treating. The answer to these two questions will help us tell you if you are a candidate. A person who is 10 to 20 pounds from their ideal weight is generally a perfect candidate for most treatment areas. A person who is 30 to 50 pounds heavier than ideal could still be a good candidate for some areas. Even an obese person could be a candidate for certain areas. A person who is overweight and hoping for significant weight-loss should seek other solutions.
3) What areas can be treated with CoolSculpting?
Various applicators of different sizes and profiles accommodate different shapes, sizes and areas of the body. CoolSculpting is most often used to target fat on the abdomen, the outer thighs, and the flanks. Other common areas include back fat (bra bulges), chest fat (manboobs), inner thighs, outer thighs, upper arms and double chins. The plethora of different handpieces range from very large to tiny and allow us to also treat many off-labels areas with excellent outcomes.
4) How does CoolSculpting work?
During a treatment, a thin protective pad saturated with coupling gel is placed on the treatment area. This makes the treatment comfortable and protects the skin from frostbite. Then the appropriate applicator is applied and you simply relax while the fat freezes which takes anywhere from 35 to 75 minutes depending on the area being treated. When fat cells are frozen they crystallize and undergo apoptosis, a process similar to natural cell death. The fat clears from the body gradually through its natural physiological processes. Once cleared, those fat cells are gone for good!
5) Are there other non-surgical treatments for body contouring?
Yes, but some offer only temporary results and others simply don’t work as well. If any other technology could deliver better results, we would buy it. Instead, we recently purchased a third CoolSculpting machine. This allows us to treat three areas at the same time. What this means for our patients is faster treatment times.
6) There are other CoolSculpting providers so why choose Skinpossible?
1) How is it that CoolSculpting can get rid of fat but is not for weight loss?
It’s because fat is not heavy compared to its volume. A single pound of fat is the size of a pound of butter. When you think about reducing fat from a localized area a small weight change makes a big difference. When you look at the before and after examples of CoolSculpting results, the best examples will be those that show little or no weight-change. If the weight has not changed the fat-loss is clearly a result of the treatment, not weight-loss resulting from diet or exercise.
2) If I need to lose weight, does this mean I am not a candidate for CoolSculpting?
Possibly but not probably. When people call to schedule a CoolSculpting consultation the first question we ask is how many pounds they would need to lose to reach their ideal weight. We also ask what area of their figure or physique they are interested in treating. The answer to these two questions will help us tell you if you are a candidate. A person who is 10 to 20 pounds from their ideal weight is generally a perfect candidate for most treatment areas. A person who is 30 to 50 pounds heavier than ideal could still be a good candidate for some areas. Even an obese person could be a candidate for certain areas. A person who is overweight and hoping for significant weight-loss should seek other solutions.
3) What areas can be treated with CoolSculpting?
Various applicators of different sizes and profiles accommodate different shapes, sizes and areas of the body. CoolSculpting is most often used to target fat on the abdomen, the outer thighs, and the flanks. Other common areas include back fat (bra bulges), chest fat (manboobs), inner thighs, outer thighs, upper arms and double chins. The plethora of different handpieces range from very large to tiny and allow us to also treat many off-labels areas with excellent outcomes.
4) How does CoolSculpting work?
During a treatment, a thin protective pad saturated with coupling gel is placed on the treatment area. This makes the treatment comfortable and protects the skin from frostbite. Then the appropriate applicator is applied and you simply relax while the fat freezes which takes anywhere from 35 to 75 minutes depending on the area being treated. When fat cells are frozen they crystallize and undergo apoptosis, a process similar to natural cell death. The fat clears from the body gradually through its natural physiological processes. Once cleared, those fat cells are gone for good!
5) Are there other non-surgical treatments for body contouring?
Yes, but some offer only temporary results and others simply don’t work as well. If any other technology could deliver better results, we would buy it. Instead, we recently purchased a third CoolSculpting machine. This allows us to treat three areas at the same time. What this means for our patients is faster treatment times.
6) There are other CoolSculpting providers so why choose Skinpossible?
Because we have performed over 3,000 of these treatments to date and all our technicians have attended CoolSculpting University. This is important because CoolSculpting works! Correct placement of the applicators is imperative for best results.
We are offering our Skinny Jeans Package at 10% off, our New You Package at 15% off, and our Transform Yourself Package at 20% off.
If you would like to know more about CoolSculpting, call and book as assessment. Assessments are free! Our Chaparral Valley location is easy to get to and parking is free. Evening and Saturday appointments are available.
There are other laser clinics so why choose Skinpossible? Because not all treatments work equally well. At Skinpossible we pride ourselves in offering only the very latest in breakthrough technologies. We have more technology than any other clinic in Calgary and all of our technology is tier-one within its class.
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Our style of consultation is educational. During a consultation we take the time to thoroughly explain your options and make sure you have all of the information you need to make an informed decision. No pressure. No obligation. Consultations are free and so is parking.
Look at the incredible results!
*No weight change

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