How to eliminate nail fungus!

Nail fungus can be killed with laser treatments!

Nail fungus loves to grow in dark, moist places, like our shoes for example! Swimmers, Hockey Players, Runners and other athletes are especially susceptible. Anyone can get it, or should I say catch it? It’s alive and it’s contagious.  >> 

How can you catch Nail Fungus?
Nail fungus can easily be spread during the simple process of enjoying a manicure or pedicure, if the previous client was infected. It can also be spread at the pool, the gym or by wearing the shoes of a person who has it.
The technical name is Onychomycosis, which is the medical term for a nail infection caused by a fungus. There are many different species of fungus that can cause Onychomycosis. Once an infection develops, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to eliminate. Nails infected with fungus tend to grow slowly as the infection becomes embedded within the nail bed. 
If you notice any of the following changes in your nails you may have nail fungus:
  • Yellow or brown discolouration
  • White or yellow streaks on the side of the nail
  • Brittleness or thickening of the nail
  • Change in the nail’s shape
  • Crumbling of the outside edges of the nail
  • Debris trapped under the nail
  • Loosening or lifting of the nail
  • Loss of lustre and shine
  • Toes or fingers that are painful, red, or drain pus
Nail Fungus can be eradicated with lasers!
Nail fungus is unsightly and, left untreated, can result in loss of the nail. Traditional treatment involves antibiotic medications that take months to be effective and have been known to cause liver damage. To add insult to injury, these medications rarely get rid of the fungus. It almost always comes back. 
What is Clearsteps™?
Skinpossible offers a laser treatment known as Clearsteps™ that can get rid of nail fungus. Clearsteps allows us to gently apply just enough bulk heating at the perfect depth within the nail bed to kill the fungus. A series of quick, safe treatments has proven effective at killing nail fungus on the toes and on the fingers! 
Nail fungus can be embarrassing. STOP hiding your feet!
Many men simply hide their feet and many women wear nail polish year round. Keep in mind that while nail polish will hide the discolouration of nail fungus it will not prevent the fungus from worsening. Eventually the nail will still become distorted. It’s best to treat nail fungus in the early stages before the nail starts to crumble or twist. Left untreated, nail fungus will always get worse and will never go away by itself. The laser treatment can kill fungus at any stage and the sooner you get started the sooner you will have healthy nails. 
How does the Clearsteps Laser treatment work?
A series of four treatments performed one to four weeks apart will eliminate the fungus for good! Unfortunately the fungus could be inside your shoes which could re-infect the nails. An inexpensive medical device known as a Sterishoe insert can be placed inside of all existing shoes to kill the nail fungus. Other treatments exist such as topical and oral medications, but your doctor will acknowledge that they rarely succeed. Lasers do work! In fact, if all treatments are completed on a timely schedule (within a 2 month period) and Sterishoes are properly used, we guarantee results. If any sign of nail fungus returns within a year we will retreat without charge!
Can you pass the Nail Fungus Test?
1 in 10 people have nail Fungus!
The ability to eradicate this unsightly condition with lasers is a breakthrough for those suffering from nail fungus! If you suspect you have nail fungus call and book a consultation. Our goal is to address your concerns and give you all of the information you need to make an informed decision. Evening and Saturday appointments are available. Consultations and parking are free.
Results of laser nail fungus therapy


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